Thursday, July 29, 2010

Headboard Doubts

I've said before that I've been feeling like a bad Decor Mommy to my Bedroom because I've been completely neglecting it. When I was living in my old apartment, my bedroom was the only thing I had all to myself and I truly put all my efforts into making it a luxurious space for me to relax {in an otherwise tumultuous household}. So, now that I'm in a place all to myself and have the freedom of having guests over, I've been focusing my efforts on having a space where my visitors will be comfortable {AKA the living room}and thus my bedroom decor gets tossed by the wayside.  *sigh*

But I'm tired of walking into a bedroom that looks like a catch-all. I want my sanctuary back...

There are a few things about my room that I heart:

I know I'm in dire need of some throw pillows to round out the look of the bed but... my newest thought... I hate my bed frame. I liked it at first. It was an impulse Craigslist purchase last winter. And frankly, its just too much. I originally started looking for a cool old brass headboard.

After realizing they were mostly out of my price range,  I ventured into new bed frames, ogling Pottery Barn and weeping over my lack of cash to support my insatiable craving for their merchandise.

...and left praying to win the lotto.

I had just about given up hope when I found my bed frame on Craigslist for a mere $130 and the sellers were just a block away! How convenient! I emailed and hopped in my car and picked up my goodies and put it together all by myself.  Once I got it up and running, I was thrilled but it quickly faded when I realized it wasn't really what I wanted.

With all the DIY undertakings I've been accomplishing lately, I'm feeling confident enough to attempt making my own tufted DIY headboard. Now the hunt for the right colors and fabric will have to begin.

What do you guys think? Should i go patterned? What about a yellow like above to tie in the dresser? Or maybe a creamy white to stick with neutrals?  Let me know what you think, I need your help!

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Heya Nesters! I always love your feedback! So dish, because we all want to hear it! <3