Thursday, September 30, 2010

Baking Bonanza: Birthday Bash

Heya Nesters! This weekend I was delighted to be graced with the presence of my Dad. You see, his birthday is today and he decided to come take a trip up here {from NYC} for the weekend to see family and friends.  And Saturday night we planned a nice dinner together in my humble {and dinner table-lacking} abode. 

I made a serious meal of pork tenderloin in a pomegranate sauce {Amazing recipe! I've made it several times and I HIGHLY recommend trying it.} with purple roasted mini potatoes, lemon sauteed brussel sprouts and homemade apple pie.  Yum!

If you remember from this post last week, I made monkey bread, apple crisp and my first attempt at apple pie. From what I hear, apple pie is the test of a truly good baker. Well, I cheated and used the Pillsbury pre-made pie dough. Here is last week's pie:

Both look pretty good, huh?  It's too bad the first one was completely doughy on the bottom crust.  I'm not kidding, it was not cooked at all! R.A.W.  Gross. *Two Thumbs Way Way Down* So I contacted Ally over at High Heels & Aprons and asked her what to do with a soggy crust and she pointed me in the right direction!  {Thanks Ally!}  I ended up just forgetting about my original pie and trying Ally's recipe that looked so darn good.  Low and behold, it was PHENOMENAL! 

Looks kind of awesome right? I love that you cook the apples before putting them in the crust. It makes for a really creamy, soft filling that is tasty like you wouldn't believe!

So, happy birthday Dad and I hope you enjoyed your apple pie!  

Nesters, have you had any recent apple pie success or disaster stories? Or any other cooking or baking tales? Tell us all about it!


  1. I'm so glad you enjoyed my recipe! Apple pie is my absolute FAVE! Did you know that Martha Stewart started out selling her apple pies for just $3 outside of Walmart? Apple pie takes me about 4 hours to make... $3? !!!

    Ally @ High Heels and Aprons

  2. Whaaaaaat?! That is WILD!! I guess it worked though!! :)


Heya Nesters! I always love your feedback! So dish, because we all want to hear it! <3