Monday, November 15, 2010


Happy Monday Nesters!  Do these weeks feel like they're flying by or what??  Halloween has come and gone leaving only 2 short weeks until the greatest meal you'll eat all year! I'll give you a hint "gobble, gobble!"


I love Thanksgiving.  I mean I really love Thanksgiving.  I always have.  {Perhaps something to do with my love for canned cranberry sauce.  Ribbed can impressions and all.}  Besides cranberry sauce, it may have something to do with the fact that my birthday often falls on the "big day" itself. So what is better than having a huge meal with all your loved ones {oh yeah and the rest of the country} and at the end getting a birthday cake? YES! Go Thanksgiving Birthdays!

But this year is extra special because this year, Matt and I get three {count it: 3!!} Thanksgivings.  One in NYC with my dad, Joe and Molly {and their little bun in the oven} next weekend, and on the 25th, we'll part ways and he'll go to his parents and I'll head over to Moms.  But number one, was yesterday.

Like most gals in our mid-twenties, Marion, Ashly and I, have yet to make Thanksgiving dinner.  Our families have always taken good care of us and hosted and cooked.  But the last few years, I have feared the day that weight was bestowed upon my shoulders.  It's a big, pressure-filled undertaking to make Thanksgiving for a ton of guests if you've never tried it before. So, I thought we should try a dry-run that was on any day except the forth Thursday in November.  It didn't go so bad...

Just kidding! That puppy is thanks to Martha.  Here is how ours started out....

Our menu went something like this:
  • One 16 lb turkey, stuffed, buttered and seasoned
  • Cauliflower in a cheese sauce
  • Corn bread
  • Garden salad
  • Mashed potatoes
  • Fresh Italian Bread
  • Cranberry sauce {of course, and I was the only one that ate it! More for me!}
  • Homemade Pumpkin Pie with whipped cream
  • Brownies 
  • Cupcakes
Not to shabby right?  We fumbled along pretty well.  No real catastrophes occurred.  The snafu that we ran into was that when it was supposed to be done, we cut into it, and found it needed to be put in about 10 minutes longer.  But after that, it was done, moist and ready to be served!  We were so far caught up in entertaining and serving, we didn't even think of photographing the final result!  But you can trust me it was pretty and deeeeelish!  Everyone left the table happy, full of turkey and ready for a nap!!
Next up,  Thanksgiving: The Big Apple. And appropriately, I am going to be bringing Apple Pie! I'll be sure to give you Nesters a full report on how Thanksgiving #2 goes next week.  Enjoy your Monday!!


  1. that cranberry sauce photo made me giggle in the best way possible.

  2. :) I know. It makes me think of Jell-o Jigglers. hehehe


Heya Nesters! I always love your feedback! So dish, because we all want to hear it! <3